Puppy beaten nearly to death gets adopted by police officer who rescued him.

A terrible story has a joyful update: a puppy was found brutally battered and is now receiving an exciting new start.

On August 23, a bleeding and comatose German Shepherd puppy was discovered on the side of the road in York County, Pennsylvania. Someone had nearly killed the poor pup: he had many fractures and was terribly starved.

The puppy was brought to Mason Dixon Animal Emergency Hospital, where he survived and recovered despite his severe injuries.

“Of course, when we saw and heard what was going on, we were all very heartbroken, and we all went into his cage and tried to give him as much love as we could,” vet tech Lindsay Copenhaver told FOX 43.

Because of his second chance at life, the vets dubbed the canine “Chance.” Police investigated the incident, but the perpetrator remains unknown.

Chance’s life was saved by Officer Matthew Tamanosky of the York City Police Department, who arrived on the scene first. The incident had devastated his heart.

“Seeing how a terrible human being could just beat a poor, four or five-month-old little animal, leave him there to die, unconscious, lying on the ground, it’s just something that strikes a chord with you,” Tamanosky told FOX 43.

Chance was taken to the York County SPCA to continue his recuperation. “Chance is showing great signs of improvement,” they said on Facebook. “His swelling is reducing, and our team is focusing on weight gain and rehabilitation.” Only time will tell what long-term effects the trauma he experienced will have on him.”

As word spread of the tragic news, the community rallied behind Chance, and the shelter got hundreds of applications to adopt him.

But one name stuck out among all the applicants: Officer Tamanosky. The officer who had saved Chance’s life just a few weeks before now wanted to give him a forever home, and the SPCA couldn’t conceive of a more fitting happy ending.

“He was the one who got Chance out of that situation, and we operate on a first-come, first-served basis when it comes to adoption—he was the first one on the scene, so clearly Chance should be going home with him,” Steven Martinez, executive director of the York County SPCA, said.

Chance is now settling in nicely in his new home.Martinez told ABC 27 that Chance is overjoyed. “He loves his toys he loves to play, and now he is just a normal 6-month-old German Shepherd puppy.”

Officer Tamanosky told FOX 43, “[We’re] definitely going to give him the life he deserves—lots of treats, make him a good boy, a good part of the Tamanosky family.”

What Chance went through was horrible, but we’re so thrilled he healed and now has a wonderful new home! Officer Tamanosky, thank you for adopting him!

Please spread the word about this inspiring tale!

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