Touching story! The dog that was swept away by the water was lucky to be saved and adopted by a brave dog

Animals are usually good models of devotion and love. Images of a dog that protected her two puppies from the India floods surfaced on Monday.

The devoted’mother’ carried her young in her snout in the middle of the increasingly violent water currents.

These are two images shot by Agence France-Presse photojournalist Sanjay Kanoja, which have gone viral owing of their emotional content.

In them, you can see how the mother brings her young to a dry location in Allahabad when the water level rises owing to the Ganges and Yamuna rivers.

It should be remembered that the country’s torrential rains have left over 400 people dead and 700,000 displaced.

According to the authorities, contamination of drinking water sources and poor sanitary conditions cause worries of disease outbreaks, which is why health workers have been dispatched to towns to monitor the situation.

This gesture is in addition to another dog’s that rescued a family from death a few weeks earlier by waking them up in the middle of the night before a landslide demolished their house in the Indian state of Kerala (south), which was affected by floods.

Mohanan P. and his family were resting in their house in the hilly area of Idukki when their dog began to yelp at 03:00 a.m. (18:30 in Chile).

“We realized something was wrong, I went to see, and we had to rush out of the house,” Mohanan P. told India’s NDTV. A landslide demolished his house as soon as they left.

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