John Travolta shares adorable photos of him with rescue dog Peanut

We enjoy seeing images and videos of celebrities bonding with their pets. A dog’s affection might be the best thing in the world, no matter how famous you are.

Peanut, the adorable rescue dog who appeared in Jamie Lee Curtis’ Oscar night homage to Betty White before being adopted by John Travolta, is one of our favourite celebrity pets.

The Grease star recently shared another adorable photo of himself with the dog.

Travolta, 69, recently shared a cute photo of himself having a slice of pizza with Peanut, who belongs to his youngest son Benjamin.

It’s a charming scene straight out of Lady and the Tramp:

If that wasn’t adorable enough, Travolta also shared another photo of himself napping, this time with Peanut peacefully cuddling up to him for a nap:

Since the family adopted Peanut last March, the Saturday Night Fever star has shared numerous adorable images of her.

Last year, a video of the adorable dog waking Travolta up with doggy kisses went viral. “This is how Peanut, Ben’s dog, wakes me up,” Travolta wrote.

Peanut’s adoption story

The Travoltas have clearly found Peanut the perfect home, and the story of how he came to be adopted by the Pulp Fiction star and his family is one of the most uplifting Hollywood stories in recent years.

Jamie Lee Curtis paid tribute to TV star and animal lover Betty White, who died the previous December, during the “in memoriam” part of the 2022 Academy Awards ceremony.

She took the stage with Peanut, followed by a Paw Works rescue dog named Mac-N-Cheese who was looking for a home.

“She was not only a Golden Girl, she was a legend who brightened every room she walked in and brought a smile to the faces of all who watched her on the screen,” Curtis said in a tribute to the actress. “And day in and day out for almost a century, she was a woman who cared so much for not just her two-legged friends but for animals just like this.”

“The best gift you could give Betty White is to open your heart and home to a rescue dog like Mac-N-Cheese from Paw Works.” So thank you, Betty, for being a friend to all of us.”

The small dog charmed audiences worldwide – and left a lasting effect on Travolta. Backstage at the Oscars, the actor ran into Curtis, his friend and co-star in the 1985 film Perfect, and couldn’t resist taking a photo with the adorable rescue dog.

Recognising that it was meant to be, he adopted the dog for his son Benjamin, giving Peanut a true “Hollywood ending.”

We’re so glad Peanut is having the time of her life with the Travoltas! What adorable photographs – it was clearly meant to be.

Please spread the word about this adorable story!

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