He Sold Everything He Could To Save His Dog And Seven Puppies, And The Story Went Viral.

When we found out about this amazing story, it was impossible not to feel how, little by little, our vision blurred due to the emotions that appeared accompanied by a sublime smile on our features.

It is a story where two protagonists leave us trapped in an ending that fills our souls with pleasure.

Emerson is a special man who gives us a lesson on what true love really is.

This man scarcely had little more than the love for his friends and his only instrument of work, but he parted with it regardless of the consequences.

She did not hesitate to sell her cart to collect recyclable objects, and thus pay for the medical care of her canine and her 7 offspring.

Emerson, when confronted with a proposition made by a journalist about selling the canines so that with that money he could purchase a new cart , gave a very firm and specific answer:

“A friend is not for sale!”

From here our recognition before your example of what it really means to have values ​​and experience love towards a friend.

He does know how to recognize the value of a furry canine ​​that becomes our family forever and despite all the difficulties.

Social networks are a fundamental element in this great story, it is a fantastic instrument to be able to establish effective communication , as long as it is used correctly. And in this story they were protagonists.

Maybe you are pondering why social networks are a fundamental element of this story… Many times we have heard about miracles and also some of us have witnessed that they exist.

Social networks helped this story end within the framework of a true miraculous.

Emerson’s photos went viral and an animal shelter, as well as an organization that helps raise awareness for the destitute and recycling, learned of Emerson’s story.

They gave him a new cart. But that was not all…

The reconciliation of a family that had abandoned hope of seeing each other again was possible

When this endearing story broke almost a year ago, Gisele Soares Oliveira recognized that this homeless man with a large heart was her uncle.

Gisele explained with an evident emotion on her face that she hadn’t heard from him for 15 years. One day she abruptly disappeared and they didn’t hear from him.

Gisele is a veterinarian and wanted to share this enchanting and true story. Having a big heart seems to run in the family because Gisele aids various groups that advocate and love animals in their great work of caring for and protecting them.

Benedita Soares is a 75-year-old woman and has witnessed this great miracle, she was able to embrace her son again after 15 years, she was able to see him alive after having lost all hope.

Share this amazing story! It is a plain example that miracles exist. His story leaves us speechless and fills our spirits.

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