Foster dad refuses to euthanize puppy born without front legs, decides to give him a second chance

The dog Nobby was born without front legs. The tiny puppy was just four hours old when the vet advised that euthanasia would be best.

Nubby’s owner, on the other hand, took a firm decision.

Nobby had a difficult start in life. He was born without front legs and had difficulty reaching his mother to suckle. His mother embraced him, but Nubby’s brothers pushed him away, preventing him from eating.

Furthermore, regardless of how sad it was, the vet decided it was best if Nobby was put down. The dog was just four hours old at the time.

But Lou Robinson of Texas, who has spent her life adopting and caring for abandoned and unwanted dogs with her husband Mark, wants something different.

They promptly decided to ignore the vet’s advice and care for Nobby themselves. Lou was followed home by Nobby. She and her husband stayed there all night to keep an eye on the puppy. Through a bottle, they provided him love, protection, and sustenance.

Nobby appeared to be doing well at first.

“His eyes expanded, and his ears grew. “He could bark, sniff, and identify sounds,” Loui Robinson told The Dodo.

Then things began to shift.

Nobby began sneezing when he was around one month old. He couldn’t poop anymore, and little bubbles escaped from his nostrils.

An X-ray revealed that something was amiss with Nubby’s esophagus.

Antibiotics were administered to Nobby, who was then placed in an incubator. The situation was dire, but Nobby proved to have an extraordinary will and fighting spirit.

He refused to give up. He fought back. And his foster parents battled to ensure that he had the opportunity to have a decent life.

Fortunately, Nobby improved with time. Three years later, this adorable young child has shown to be a true survivor.

Sure, Nobby has some difficulties in life, but he has demonstrated to the entire world that everything is possible. Furthermore, the Robinsons have set him his own Facebook profile where others may track his exploits.

According to recent updates and images, Nobby is feeling better than ever.

He has matured into a robust dog. He enjoys playing and appears to be intrigued by life and all that it has to offer. He even has his own small wheelchair, which helps him go around and play.

Nobby is an incredible motivation! He is not like everyone else, yet he demonstrates that being different does not matter.

The veterinarian felt he should be put down, but Nobby has proven that everything is possible with the support of Lou and Mark.

Share to honor this incredible dog and to congratulate Lou and Mark for an outstanding job!

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