Dumped In A Bag For Days, The Puppy Trembled In Fear And Hunger, You Can’t Believe What He Become

Someone left a gift in a rice bag just after St. Nicholas Day, only it wasn’t under the Christmas tree, it was in the garbage.

This bag contained Pino. He was dumped by an anonymous person who fled as swiftly as they could, not wanting to be caught throwing away a living human like he was nothing.

Thankfully, the cosmos brought him into our path when we heard his heartbreaking cries.

Pino, now saved and cared for, was as precious and valuable as any other. At 5 weeks old, he weighed only 700 grammes on the day of his rescue. Pino was a broken-hearted puppy who wailed out for his mother for several days, but with loads of love, he realised he was no longer alone.

His rescue story was heartfelt, but we knew his happy ending would come when his adopter came to meet him in our Safe House and fell in love right away.

Just seeing him discover what family means makes us really happy. We hope it is everything you have ever dreamed of and more, Pino.

His transformation continues to astound us. Pino has brought so much joy and inspiration to countless people. If you love following his adventure, please leave a.

Be a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves. Donate to our good cause in Bali by clicking the link in our bio to help us save more dogs just like Pino.

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