Despite having a ruptured eye, the happiest dog never stops wagging his tail, radiating joy and resilience

This year, one of my goals is to improve my mindfulness and gratitude practises. Often times, we get wrapped up in the things we don’t have and forget to be grateful for what we do.

As a 30-year-old woman, I frequently worry or fret about where I “should be” in life, rather than simply being happy and accepting where I am as a great blessing.

One way I attempt to reframe things for myself is to consider it through the eyes of our animals. We can learn a lot from them, especially dogs.

They are always so caring and happy, regardless of the terrible hand life has handed them – and that is admirable. They understand how to be happy in the present moment because they are alive, rather than worried about the future. One puppy with a ruptured eye was a prime example of this.

The poor animal had been in an accident that had resulted in a ruptured eye. Locals noticed the dog in distress and transported him to a local shrine until Animal Aid Unlimited rescuers could pick him up. But it was the puppy’s demeanour that stood out.

His tail never stopped wagging despite a severe injury that was clearly agonising. In fact, while waiting for rescuers to arrive, the pup never stopped putting on a brave and happy face, eager to make friends with anyone who was close.

It was so touching and sweet. The happy boy was quite submissive and didn’t put up a fuss about being brought to their facility when the rescuers came.

Sunny, as the dog was eventually named, certainly lives up to his name. Despite his difficulties, he has a bright and exuberant attitude.

We’re relieved that, despite the fact that the vets were unable to restore his eye, he was able to live the happy life he deserves. Sunny’s example can help us to keep positive throughout difficult times.

Watch the video below, but be warned: it is graphic in terms of the dog’s eye injury:

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