Compassionate Woman Rescues Injured Dog from Mountain, Embarks on a 7-Mile Journey to Seek Aid

‎Tia Vargas and her 76-year-old father set out on a challenging hike up an Idaho mountain with no idea their journey would climax in Tia’s brave rescue of an injured dog named Boomer.

The pair stumbled found a terrified springer spaniel around three hours into their walk through the snow-covered mountain environment. The dog was trailed by a family of hikers who were new to the area and had children with them.

The group was at a loss for what to do because they were worried about the dog’s well-being and didn’t know where its owner was. A collar with the name “Boomer” led them to suspect that this was the lost dog mentioned in a notice at the trailhead.

Boomer had received significant injuries and was unfortunately unable to walk, Tia and her father discovered upon closer inspection. It was clear that this devoted pup had been abandoned in the bush to meet a dreadful destiny. “His eyes were swollen and bloodshot,” Tia recalled. “His entire body was swollen, including his hindquarters.” He was dehydrated and has scrapes and scratches on his tummy and head. His condition was critical.”

Tia had returned several times to assist her father in navigating the challenging terrain despite her own exhaustion from the strenuous walk. She was fatigued by the time she reached the summit, near where Boomer was found. She couldn’t stomach leaving the injured dog behind. Tia made a firm choice at that moment: she would transport Boomer out of the mountains to safety.

Tia lifted the 55-pound dog onto her shoulders and began the difficult descent alongside her father with great resolve. Their assignment proved to be more challenging than they had imagined. Authorities had warned them not to use the path because it was obstructed by snow and debris. Despite her attempts, Tia found no one willing to assist her in dragging Boomer down the mountain. Her father gave her the emotional strength she needed to keep going.

“He cracked a joke, and it made me laugh,” Tia said. “I told myself, ‘I’m fine.’” ‘I can do it.’ So I said a quick prayer and went to get Boomer. It was as if someone had appeared behind me and taken the burden from my shoulders.”

Tia arrived at the mountain’s base six hours and seven miles later, reuniting Boomer with his relieved owners. Boomer had slipped into a 100-foot snow crevasse and dropped 200 feet, leaving his family in a state of panic. They had hunted him down, but he was nowhere to be found.

The family conveyed their gratitude and shared an unexpected surprise with Tia, who was overjoyed that Boomer was safe. They were about to relocate and were looking for a new home for Boomer. They wondered whether Tia would consider adopting their pet dog after witnessing her heroic attempts to rescue him.

Tia responded completely, moved by the offer and convinced that fate had led her up the mountain to Boomer. Tia is now Boomer’s loving new owner, and the two have formed a relationship of happiness and gratitude as a result of a chance encounter on a challenging mountain walk.

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