A man rescued a seemingly “dying” stray husky and, with his care, transformed her into the most stunning and gorgeous dog.

Rico Soegiarto was driving home from work in Denpasar, Bali, when he discovered a very starved, bald Siberian Husky half-buried in the road. The dog’s body was covered in wounds, making it difficult to determine her breed. After seeing her situation, Rico felt impelled to rescue her.

Rico, who already had four rescue dogs at home, couldn’t help but fall in love with this puppy the instant he saw her. Hope was named by her sparkling blue eyes, which shined with optimism despite her bad condition.

Rico found Hope and carried her home, where she began to recuperate. Rico gave her a lot of medicine baths and ate a lot of food for weight gain to help her fur regrow. Rico did an amazing job nursing Hope back to health.

Hope became more identifiable over time, and she progressively gained confidence. She was unrecognisable as her hair began to grow back.

Hope’s transformation was complete a year later, and she is now a beautiful, disease-free Husky. Rico not only rescued and transformed Hope, but he also adopted her as a pet.

Hope is now living a lovely life in Bali with Rico and his family, relishing her’second chance’ at life!

Rico, I appreciate you sharing your wonderful story on social media!

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